Aging like fine value increases

Aging like fine value increases
Aging like fine value is increasing

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Busy, tired, inspired

I am all those things above. I seem to be on turbo these days after being away helping my daughter with her little ones after she just recently gave birth to a new, precious little boy. I find everywhere I look there is mess, clutter, dirt, chaos. I am trying not to look too deeply but just satisfy myself with topical cleaning and cleansing. Oh my, how does your house get in such a jumble when you are not looking....that is the problem.... how long has it been since I have not been looking? Sometimes I just close my eyes and pour myself another cup of coffee, turn up the radio and sink into a chair. My mother was obsessed with dirt and untidiness in the home in which I grew up. She was Mrs Clean personified and I vowed never to be like that. Everything rotated around the appearance of perfection, so much so we didn't enjoy a lot of things because we were made clean it up, straighten it, do it over because someone may see the imperfections of a house well-lived in. I promised myself that when I became a parent things would be different and I would enjoy my home, family, laugh and relax about the sergeant-major restrictions on cleaning. Do you care dear reader if my house has floors you can eat off it? Dust bunnies that we can use for pets? Beds made so tight and proper that you can actually bounce a quarter off of them? I doubt it. It is more fun to clean up a bit and then sit down with you and share life. Anyhow I am enjoying today, getting inspired to look the chaos in the eye and laugh at my stress. Who cares? Life is short and I want to enjoy it. Cleaning can wait a bit I am going to pour me some coffee.

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What is your favourite book to read?

  • Crescendo
  • Darkness Slipped In
  • Elijah's Coin
  • Hush Hush
  • It's a Book (excellent plus)
  • Mrs. Tom Thumb
  • Nana's getting married
  • Room
  • Sacred Heart
  • The Alchemist

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