Yesterday was the perfect day for taking photos. I went into my back garden, armed with my camera and found my cherry tree blossoming and enjoying the perfect sunny day complete with a pristine, azure blue sky. There is something about the sun that makes every photo opt perfect. Look at how happy those cherry blossoms look. They were actually beaming for my camera.
I also have a three baby squirrels that are nesting on my back porch. They were scampering around their limited territory yesterday. Three little black bundles of fur, climbing, chasing and trying to balance on every twig available. They are adorable. Their mother and father have been with me for about four years now. The parents come out and hang with me (literally, draping themselves over small branches with limbs hanging down) while I enjoy basking in the sunlight. They are very comfortable and I award them with peanuts to let them know they are welcome at my home. The backyard is abuzz with activity of many different kinds of critters and it is just so fantastic to go out, sit still and see the action happening.
Try taking some photos today around your home. It is wonderful to capture the beauty you are surrounded by. Sometimes places and things become so familiar to us that we do not open our eyes and see the world around us. Have a great day and smile lots, and open up your eyes wide today.
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