Aging like fine value increases

Aging like fine value increases
Aging like fine value is increasing

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Oh my....

This is a day that is windy, blustery, thundery (is that a word?) and generally yukky, (I know that is a word). What to do on a day that is so nasty outside. Let me see. I am going to prepare a wonderful dinner for my family and slow cook it in the oven so the aroma permeates throughout the house. Yum! I am going to bake muffins that are puffy and springy and eat one right out of the oven before anyone comes home. After all, I am the King's taster and must make sure they are perfect before I serve them to my family. I may even pop out to Starbucks or Tim Hortons and treat myself to a latte or a French Vanilla. Hey those drinks would go perfect with my yummy muffins! Oh I am good. All these things will boost not only my spirits but my families when they drag home from their various adventures for the day. I try to find way to bless them and in so doing I get blessed. Think of what you can do for your guys today to brighten up their lives. It is a creative, fun exercise of love that divides and divides until it multiplies enough to come back and covers you. It is a good thing.

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  • Crescendo
  • Darkness Slipped In
  • Elijah's Coin
  • Hush Hush
  • It's a Book (excellent plus)
  • Mrs. Tom Thumb
  • Nana's getting married
  • Room
  • Sacred Heart
  • The Alchemist

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