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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Let the wedding begin!

The Queen of Hearts she made some tarts all on a summer's day;
The Knave of Hearts he stole the tarts and took them clean away.
The King of Hearts called for the tarts and beat the Knave full sore
The Knave of Hearts brought back the tarts and
vowed he'd steal no more.

The Queen of Hearts lyrics
The origins of the title the 'Queen of Hearts' can be found in the work of Lewis G. Carroll in his book entitled 'Alice in Wonderland' first published in 1805. In more recent history the term was used by Princess Diana during a famous interview as her preference to the title the Queen of Hearts to that of Queen of England. Princess Diana is now lovingly referred to as the Queen of Hearts
How appropriate! This nursery rhyme crosses over to modern times and wraps it's arms around Princess Diana the mother of Prince William who is being married today in London, England to Kate Middleton. It is a day to be celebrated and that is why I am posting this blog early on their special day. Tomorrow I am attending a "Royal Tea Time" with some friends where we will sip tea, eat scones and hold our pinkies high in solidarity to our Queen, the wedding couple and the special occasion. Bless the young couple and may they have a long, happy life together.

Here are some books to read to your kids about "Royalty". This is the perfect occasion to select a few to read aloud and watch clips of the wedding on t.v. to make your child aware of this historical event that will be seen worldwide by millions.

1. The Recess Queen by Alex O'Neill and Laura Huliska-Beith

2. Princess Smartypants by Babette Cole

3. The Paper Bag Princess by Probert Munsch and Michael Martchenko

4. Princesses are Not Quitters by Kate Lum

5. A Prince Among Frogs by E. Baker

6. The Little Prince by Antoine Saint-Exupery

7. William and Kate Paper Dolls by Tom Tierney

Make this a fun learning extravaganza in your home. Have a tea party celebration together and read a book with your child. Lift your cup and salute the newlyweds. Make paper hats with lots of bows and decorations to wear at your decorated table. Cheers. Read on.

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What is your favourite book to read?

  • Crescendo
  • Darkness Slipped In
  • Elijah's Coin
  • Hush Hush
  • It's a Book (excellent plus)
  • Mrs. Tom Thumb
  • Nana's getting married
  • Room
  • Sacred Heart
  • The Alchemist

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