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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Weddings royal...

Oh my goodness. How fun to be part of the wedding celebrations that are occuring across the pond from us. Seems everyone you see is happy,dancing,sporting feathery outrageous hats and nibbling on scones. The girls are dressed in their fanciest attire and glamour is oozing everywhere. As I was watching the wedding procession yesterday I was looking around hoping to catch a glimpse of Fancy Nancy in that stylish crowd. She would have been delighted to be a guest at the royal soiree. All the elegance, style, class (and classes) all was a wonder to behold. I hope you got into the spirit of the day and whooped it up a little too. Here are a few books that I highly recommend for your reading pleasure all wedding-themed. Your kids by now have witnessed hours of replay footage of the royal wedding and it is time to capitalize on those images and give them good books as follow-ups in print to offset the visuals that they have been exposed to. All of these are books are stellar reads so be sure to buy one for your child and present it as a gift. Be sure to include the date and a little notation regarding Prince William and Kate's wedding. This will be their own personal souvenir of the largest wedding event to date in our history. The following books have been chosen to commemorate this occasion.

1. Geronimo Stilton - #28- The Wedding Crasher, by Geronimo Stilton (this is a series that your kids will love)

2. Junie B. Jones Is (almost) a Flower Girl by Barbara Park and Denise Brunkus (another series that younger readers will really enjoy)

3.Wedding Flowers by Cynthia Rylant for Grade 4-6 kids

4. The Littles Have a Wedding by John Peterson (this classic series was re-issued to celebrate the Littles' 25th anniversry)

5. Sister of the Bride by Bevery Cleary which is aimed at teenagers

Present the book/books as a gift, inscribed for the occasion of course, put some flowers in your hair, pour a little spot of tea then sit down together and enjoy the wedding theme. Read on.

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What is your favourite book to read?

  • Crescendo
  • Darkness Slipped In
  • Elijah's Coin
  • Hush Hush
  • It's a Book (excellent plus)
  • Mrs. Tom Thumb
  • Nana's getting married
  • Room
  • Sacred Heart
  • The Alchemist

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