We are so blessed to sit down to a lovely warm Christmas dinner on Christmas day, not to mention all the parties and events we attend before hand that centre around food! If you have a minute, go to your window and look outside. What do you see? Probably wild life scurrying around trying to dig out a decent meal for themselves today. Please find it in your heart to help these poor creatures out. God gave us an astounding variety of wildlife to observe and take care of. Are you doing your part?
Our family takes our outdoor animals very seriously. My husband goes out every morning with two big pails full of birdseed and millet to feed our feathered friends. Squirrels also come to our silver tray (yes I put out a silver tray for the seed to go on) and feast off of the bounty. We have bird feeders hanging in the tree and we put some seed on the ground for the morning doves and flock of pigeons that we inherited. We also rip up old expired bread, sometimes crush hard-boiled eggs complete with their shells and now this season we add an extra treat of suet that we tie onto the trees. A lot of this bird food can be bought at the dollar store and cost very little.
I looked out our back patio door onto our elevated deck and in the corner our resident squirrel and his mate decided to make a nest for the winter. How can you turn a little couple away like that when there is definitely room at our inn. I unplug the Christmas tree each night, look down and out our door, and there the little couple is all snuggled together under a pile of leaves and gathered material to keep them warm. I am such an old softy but watching them have a home warms my heart too.
Now the rats are another story and would be fine with me if they didn't poison my pups. I too feel bad for them but am glad they are gone from our eclectic collection of critters.
Take some time to be kind to your outside animals this Christmas. It is fun and I know they will be grateful. Have a awesome weekend and hug your inside animals today. Blessings to you and yours.
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